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  • dannyboystories 3:26 PM on November 4, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , fretting, , , results, Senate, worry   

    Fretting doesn’t help… 

    Wednesday morning (Nov. 7) we may know the election results, depending upon the voter delays in the north east. There is no sense fretting over what the tally will be in both the Presidential race and the Senate make-up.

    At this juncture, there is nothing more to do except get out the vote. Telephone calls to prospective voters will be critical to what occurs in key states. Those who work the telephones right up to the last minute can certainly make a difference in outcome.

    Senate results are just as critical as ballots in the Presidential race. The House, turned sideways by the 2010 mid-term elections, will likely continue to be dominated by the Republicans. The Senate make-up is another matter. The GOP needs to pick up four seats in the Senate to assure a majority there.

    Sen Harry Reid has already said he will thwart every piece of legislation sent from the House to the Senate, if Romney is elected. His comment is in complete opposition to the purposes of the United States Constitution. Any one elected to a position in House or Senate is an employee of the People of America, it is their duty to work for the American People, not follow the line of partisan politics.

    It is of no use to worry about the outcome of the election at this late stage. It is what it is, and will be what it will be. Difficult as that may be to stomach, it is all Americans can do at this point.

    It the election does not go as you want, it is up to you to continue to work to change the Congress, and, ultimately the over-burdening federal government. In any event, your work is not done.


  • dannyboystories 2:25 PM on October 26, 2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Executive Orders, , key to success, , , Senate   

    Key to Success 

    We’ve written previously in this space the about the critical make-up of the Congress for any President to be successful, short of those nasty Executive Orders. (By the way, if you read the EO’s for the past couple of decades, Obama has issued more EOs impacting more agencies and his ability to “take charge” by declaring a ‘national emergency’, than any other President.)

    Mitt Romney continues to gain momentum in the key states that will decide the electoral votes for president. Although it is apparent to me Barack Obama’s socialist agenda is abhorrent to the Constitutional direction this country has been successfully following for more than 200 years, the prosecution of any President’s agenda lies with the Congress.

    In the first two years of the current administration, the President had fool-proof majorities in both houses of Congress. His single piece of important legislative success was passage of Obamacare, a bill polls show the People of this country oppose. His agenda was otherwise unsuccessful. The second two years are blamed on a do-nothing Congress. That is patently incorrect. The Democrat controlled Senate refused to consider many pieces of legislation sent to it by the House.

    We oppose partisan politics in Congress, when real working discussions and compromise may be necessary. It is the make up on the Senate in 2013 that is the key to a successful Romney presidency. The Democrat majority has already demonstrated time and again it will not work with Republicans for any reason whatsoever. This is not representative government in any reasonable sense.

    In 2013, Americans must also begin thinking about one other issue that stalls government: Career politicians. In our view, those who serve multiple terms are a large part of the problem; these folks have forgotten for whom they work.

    Their rhetoric notwithstanding, few who have been in the Congress for more than three terms are not there for any other reason than themselves.


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